Receptionists & Concierge

Since 2005, PERSOLKELLY Singapore has provided operational solutions for receptionist and concierge services to our clients.

woman with glasses smiling

The list of services that we assist our clients with are:

  • Sourcing & recruiting of qualified talent
  • Staff training customized to client requirements
  • Customize, enhance and standardize operating procedures to ensure service level consistency
  • Contingency manpower provision for cases of both approved and unapproved absenteeism

Receptionist Outsourcing

Our outsourcing and contingent recruitment models have helped our clients reduce operating costs, achieve seamless business continuity and ensure consistent service levels in their Receptionists.

From recruitment, training, payroll, setting up Standard Operation Processes, review & audit performances and provision of regular stand-ins for all cases of approved and unapproved absenteeism, we manage the entire Receptionist operations for our client.

We further offer a contingency-based Receptionist Outsourcing Model, suitable for organisations currently working with other outsourcing vendors but require contingency support for hospitalization, medical and annual leave cases.

To find out more about our receptionist outsourcing model, please see contact details down below.

Concierge Outsourcing

The modus operandi of our concierge outsourcing services leverages on the value-added services that we provide to our clients.

Going beyond basic permanent or contingency manpower solutions, we provide the full scope of operations that ensure the successful delivery of concierge services for our clients, including but not limited to:

  • Concierge orientation and integration with client organisational culture
  • Service Quality Training
  • Customised training for specific client requirements (e.g. First Aid and AED)
  • Development of Standard Operating Procedures
  • Grooming and Uniform Standardisation
  • Contingency manpower planning

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